Local Clubs, Associations and Websites
BC Council of Garden Clubs
The BC Council of Garden Clubs is the umbrella group for over 170 garden clubs in the BC representing some 19,300 gardeners of all ages. The Council was founded in 1943 with the purpose of speaking with a unified voice on issues of horticulture. Their mandate is to promote the garden club experience by providing support to our members and information to the public.
Chilliwack Floral Art Club
Meeting monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 1:30pm (excluding January, November & December) at the Slesse Room, Evergreen Hall. Meetings include workshops to practice teachings by visiting demonstrators on things such as leaf manipulation, ikebana, etc. The annual fee is $20 and includes five basic lessons by Jane Keding. The club is a member of the NAFAS London and Overseas Club.
The Valley Permaculture Guild
The Fraser Valley Permaculture Guild is an inclusive Association working on food security initiatives for the Fraser Valley. They are developing opportunities and programs to increase food production / accessibility and sustainability in the Fraser Valley. Gatherings are held on the first Tuesday of every month from 6-8 pm (excluding holidays) and rotate between Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Langley and Mission.
For the address and anymore questions please send an e-mail to hello@valleypermacultureguild.com
​Home & Garden Pest Management Guide for British Columbia
Produced by the BC government this is now available online as well as in a printed version.
Includes information on over 400 common pests and diseases of fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, and lawns, and how to manage them;
Contains hundreds of photographs of plant pests and weeds to aid with identification;
Provides information on new invasive pests and weeds that may threaten agriculture, forestry and the environment;
Provides tips on composting, fertilizing, lawn care and safe use of pesticides.